Sampling & Transport



Brochure NUCLISWAB® User
CE Certificate



SALUBRIS TRANSPORTMEDIA® consists of a swab and a transport medium in a special single tube. The sterile swab is held by the two step lid of the tube above the medium before being used. After obtaining the sample, the swab is submerged into the medium. It provides a quick application eliminating the need for opening extra packaging.

NUCLISWAB® is a Nucleic Acid Transport Medium and Swab kit which is suitable for obtaining and transferring samples for probe detection or nucleic acid amplification methods like PCR.

MYCOSWAB® is a specially designed selective transport medium and swab kit to preserve mycoplasma and ureaplasma in clinical samples during transport for culture and molecular diagnostic tests.

VIRUSWAB® is the recommended transport medium and swab kit for isolation of viruses by cell culture and identification by molecular diagnosis. It includes all needed material for obtaining and transferring clinical samples.

High quality, individually packed sterile cotton and dacron swabs are also available.
SALUBRIS offers a variety of high quality transportswabs. Also available are ultra thin aluminum shafts for urethral and perinasal applications.